Scupture7, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2015

Borderline Festival, Athens, 2015
Dear Serge, De La Warr Pavilion, Bex Hill, 2014©Marie Roux

Schrattenberg, 2012©Joker Nies
Festival Fukushima, Cafe OTO, London, 2012©Marie Roux

Scupture7, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2015
Dear Serge, De La Warr Pavilion, Bex Hill, 2014©Marie Roux
ZERO Performance Nacht, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, 2015

Meteo Festival, Mulhouse, 2015

Over the Fence, Camden Arts Centre, London 2015©Nisha Matthew
Listening Room, Vitoe, London, 2015

Noise Colloquium, University of Greenwich, London, 2015

Super Deluxe, Tokyo, 2014©Haruko Nakajima

Schrattenberg, 2012©Joker Nies

ZERO Performance Nacht, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, 2015©Shuichi Chino
Borderline Festival, Athens, 2015
e/static, Torino, 2013©Miki Yui
With Lau Nau, Cafe OTO, 2013©Ayako Fukuuchi
© Rie Nakajima